Face masks and public health

Sir,– When people complain about how they have sensitivity issues and cannot wear a face mask, or how their children have sensory issues and cannot bear to wear them, or how they fog up one’s glasses, and so on, I feel it would be prudent to remind them that having a cotton swab stuck down one’s throat or up one’s nose is far more uncomfortable and far more likely to trigger sensory issues.

I would recommend that the Government introduces mandatory testing on a weekly basis for anyone refusing to wear a mask on the grounds of sensitivity or sensory issues.

We might be surprised how many of those adults and children suddenly begin to feel that wearing a face mask in public is actually not so bad after all.

This virus affects everyone in society. People who refuse to wear face masks should not be given a free pass.


If their condition is so serious that they cannot wear one because they would potentially suffocate, then they should stay at home and not venture out in public to potentially infect the rest of us, unless they can prove that they are being tested at least once a week.

Clearly, if their respiratory condition is so serious, they should be cocooning anyway. To suggest that any one sector of society should get a free pass is ludicrous. Anyone who cannot learn to wear a mask should stay at home. – Yours, etc,



Co Wexford.