Electric scooters and cyclists

Sir, – It would be amusing to note the paradox of Sandy Wagstaff seeing "so many" invisible people, were the calls for mandatory personal protection equipment not so depressing (Letters, December 1st).

It ignores the simple fact that no matter how visible you are, even if you’re lit up like a Christmas tree, you will not be seen if a driver does not look.

Instead of placing the burden on the victim to somehow “be seen”, why not reduce the default speed limit across our urban areas to 30km/h? This will give drivers more time to see any invisible people.

This position is also supported by your editorial last week (“The Irish Times view on Ireland’s environment: running out of time”, November 26th). You state that, “Environmental costs and benefits must be explicitly factored in across all departments and sectors”. Creating a safer environment for cyclists and scooters and making trips less convenient for drivers will help curb our emissions. – Yours, etc,




Co Kildare.