Drawing attention to Martyn Turner

Sir, – There have been some recent references to the Martyn Turner cartoon exhibition in Dublin at the Jonathan Swift Festival in the Epic Museum at the CHQ building in Dublin from November 29th to December 7th (Diarmaid Ferriter, "The multilayered genius of Martyn Turner", Opinion & Analysis, December 1st).

Readers may be interested to know that his work has also been a prominent part of a cartoon exhibition showing in Derry and Belfast recently. This is “Visual Voices of Norn Irony; Cartoons and the Conflict in Northern Ireland”, which I produced for Community Dialogue. The late Rowel Friers, the very much alive Ian Knox, and others, including republican and loyalist cartoonists, also feature.

The ability of the visual, and particularly the satirical cartoon, to communicate has been an important factor in addressing issues of concern for centuries. In relation to this exhibition on the conflict in Northern Ireland, the intention is to stimulate discussion and debate through an easily accessible medium which draws people in, done for an organisation, Community Dialogue, which exists for this purpose. This exhibition is a mobile one suitable for use in community centres and halls, so those north of the Border who are interested may wish to get in touch with Community Dialogue to explore possibilities. – Yours, etc,



Ballynafeigh, Belfast.