Domestic violence

Sir, – At a time when we have all been asked to stay at home to stop the spread of Covid-19, I ask you to spare a thought for victims of domestic violence who are now isolated in their home with their abusers.

Life during the coronavirus outbreak has sapped victims’ outlets for respite, such as meeting family, visiting friends, and vital support services. The pandemic has undermined leaving plans that some victims have spent months planning.

The severity of the abuse will likely increase while we remain on lockdown at home for weeks. The home for most is a place of safety and happiness but for victims of abuse the home is often a place of tyranny and fear. Children who are often the invisible victims of abuse are now placed at even more risk to witnessing and experiencing violence in the home. I appeal to anyone who is in an abusive relationship to contact a support service for help and advice.

The website can help people find a service in their area. – Yours, etc,




Offaly Domestic Violence

Support Service,


Co Offaly.