Dermot Desmond and housing crisis

Sir, – I was disappointed by the tone of Mark Paul's back-biting comments regarding Dermot Desmond's recent suggested solutions to our housing crisis ("Why do we let gurus preach to us from pulpits far from scrutiny?", Business Opinion, March 13th).

Notwithstanding Mr Desmond's regrettable status as a tax exile in Switzerland, we should welcome proposals from every source that might bring us closer to a solution to this seemingly intractable problem (Dermot Desmond, "Everyone has a right to a home. Here is how it can be done", Opinion & Analysis, March 7th).

We may or may not agree with Mr Desmond’s wife’s stance on a particular planning matter in Dublin 4, but she is perfectly entitled to express them in her own right. Attempting to link this issue to the very interesting housing plan that Mr Desmond has put forward in good faith is a complete red herring. – Yours, etc,




Co Dublin.