Covid and cop on

Sir,– The succinct and erudite letters at the top of the letters page on Thursday suggest that the contributors have a pretty good level of education.

What they seem to lack is basic common sense or cop on. What part of “worldwide pandemic, infecting countless millions” do they not understand? Perhaps our political leadership could be clearer with the messaging but it seems pretty clear to me.

Cop on to the fact that if you feel unsafe in any circumstances, don’t go there. Cop on to the fact that if you go to a pub or restaurant and you’re not asked for proof of vaccination email the business to say you will never again visit the place, and do the vast majority of businesses that are complying a favour and report them.

Cop on to the fact that currently at least 60 people each week are dying from Covid.


Cop on to the fact that we live in a democracy, in peace, and we suffer and endure anodyne politics and with that comes individual responsibility towards fellow citizens.

I’m not, like most of my fellow citizens, in any way confused about what I should do or how I should behave and I don’t need or want our anodyne politicians patronising me. I mean no disrespect but, please, get a grip.– Yours, etc,


Ballsbridge, Dublin 4.