Coming to terms with the bailout

Sir, – It was interesting to read Eoin Burke-Kennedy's "Top 10 business stories of the decade"(Business, December 27th). The number one story was, of course, the bailout in 2010. To quote Eoin Burke Kennedy, "the economy was in freefall" and "exacting austerity measures that would cause great hardship" were being insisted on by the troika (the European Union, the International Monetary Fund, and the European Central Bank).

The effects of that freefall are still being felt in the areas that are never out of the media in the present day, such as health and the housing crisis.

The irony of the situation is that while I was reading this a programme was on the radio in which political journalists were proclaiming that everyone had forgotten the bailout and its causes. Is it true that we have forgotten so quickly the biggest calamity since independence, despite the fact that we are still living with the consequences? – Yours, etc,




Dublin 13.