City living, snobbery and Garth Brooks

Sir, – “Where will it end?” Niall McLaughlin asks, while complaining about Garth Brooks’ concert schedule (Letters, November 26th).

I ask; is it purely an Irish thing, this phenomenon of city dwellers misunderstanding modern city life? You must expect noise and disruption if you live near a stadium. This is what happens in cities. It would remind one of the Nimby people who complain in these letters pages about projects to improve the livability of their city, Luas lines, cycle lanes in Sandymount, Bus Connects, taller buildings, etc.

Is it reasonable to expect all amenities at our door, while also enjoying a quiet rustic village lifestyle?

A city will be citylike. If you do not like it, try moving to the countryside. I did it. It is far quieter. And don’t worry. Then you get to be a Nimby about farmers spreading slurry, or too many city slickers moving to the countryside. – Yours, etc,



Kilbride, Co Wicklow.

Sir, – The elitism and petty snobbery purveyed by Dublin-based national media and its sycophants about the immediate sell-out of five Garth Brooks performances at Croke Park next September, reveals the true divide of regional Ireland outside the Pale and the Dublin ruling elites.

– Yours, etc,



Co Leitrim.