Changing culture at the Irish banks

Sir, – I have read with great interest John Hedigan's article (Opinion, April 15th).

It is reassuring to note Mr Hedigan intends to hold all of the five Irish retail banks to account in terms of internal cultural change, which if successfully achieved, should lead to full accountability and transparency of these institutions in particular the adherence to a culture in which ethical conduct is inevitable.

His goals are laudable and it appears that he has been given the full co-operation of the relevant banks.

No doubt in due course, Mr Hedigan and his colleagues in the IBCB will produce a report with appropriate recommendations for cultural change.


However, many a report has been produced in our country over the years in regard institutions such as An Garda Síochána, the Prison Service, to name but a few, but recommendations in these reports have failed to be implemented in full, if at all.

I hope the IBCB report and its recommendations will be fully implemented in consultation with the banks concerned, if meaningful reform is to take place. – Yours, etc,


Drogheda, Co Louth,