Cars in the Phoenix Park

Sir, – Some of the discourse around permitting cars through the entire Phoenix Park again assumes that a solution can be found whereby cars and pedestrians can both "use" the park harmoniously ("'Paradise' lost for walkers as Phoenix Park reopens to traffic", News, July 10th).

The fact is that the sublime character of the park that existed during lockdown for pedestrians and cyclists cannot be maintained while also allowing cars through. The two things are mutually exclusive.

There is no optimal solution for those who chose to drive.

The more cars that are in the park, the more compromised the amenity of the space.


The politicians who have pushed for the regressive step of permitting cars back through the park need to understand that if you want to encourage people to walk and cycle rather than driving, you need to make driving a hassle so people don’t do it. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 2.

Sir, – I was disappointed and angry on Friday morning when I reached the Phoenix Park North Circular Road entrance to discover that the gates had been reopened to traffic.

It is always a pleasure to walk in the park. We have such a wonderful treasure there.

In recent months, that pleasure has been enhanced by the quieter roads and improved air quality. The changes also made it feel that pedestrians mattered.

I note that motorists are being asked to be respectful of pedestrians. It is just not enough. Pedestrians deserve to be given priority over motorists in the park.

You will note that I do not mention cyclists. They are more than capable of looking after themselves. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 7.