Car dominance

Sir, – Despite your excellent coverage of Cop26, I’m baffled as to why you publish correspondence from people who don’t understand the scale of the climate crisis we are facing, along with the myriad of social problems caused by the dominance of the car in our cities and country.

To address David Reddy’s let (December 4th): Dublin City Council already uses the Scats traffic management system to adapt to congestion caused by motor vehicles. He can see for himself that this does not have a significant impact on congestion or air pollution when so many people continue to drive into the city.

The European cities he wishes to emulate instead address traffic and air quality issues by taking space away from private drivers and installing safe infrastructure like cycle tracks and plazas. Reducing vehicle numbers is the most effective way of achieving his goals, so he should be careful what he wishes for!

As for John Griffin’s alleged “psychological and therapeutic benefits” for drivers (Letters, December 6th). If these exist, they are far out-weighed by the injuries and deaths on our roads in crashes, the destruction of our countryside and biodiversity to create more roads and car parking, and the damage to our lungs and brains from air pollution.


Instead of seeking to return to the womb, perhaps he should grow up?

– Yours, etc,


Leixlip, Co Kildare.