Bureaucracy and changing bank accounts

Sir, – A reader asks: "Is it possible to devise a simple arrangement for current accounts without requiring the level of individual action made obligatory for many Ulster Bank account holders?" (Letters, April 29th).

As an Ulster Bank account holder, I know exactly what he means. My problem is that my passport is out of date. Now the purpose of a passport here is to establish someone’s identity. How does the fact that the passport is “out of date”negate that identity? Does the mugshot no longer resemble its owner? Is it no longer correct as to date of birth? To simply act the stuck record here and repeat ad nauseam “it’s out of date” is the very definition of mindless bureaucracy. – Yours, etc,




Sir, – Yesterday I was on hold to my bank for one hour and 37 minutes before I finally cracked and hung up. During that time, I heard hundreds of times: “We are experiencing higher than normal call volumes .We apologise for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience.”

We hear this message at all times of the day from banks, the public service, insurance companies and others. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 16.