Brexit and a united Ireland

A chara, – Stephen Collins's excellent article "Stop the dangerous guff about a United Ireland" (Opinion, November 1st) should be circulated to certain politicians who are currently fantasising about a post Brexit utopia.

Surely we must understand by now the damage a referendum with a 52/48 result would do to an already divided community.

Belfast has almost 100 “peace walls” physically separating loyalist and nationalist communities. That is, almost 100 “hard borders” in one city.

There can never be a united Ireland until there is first a united Northern Ireland. This will require fundamental political movement and social cohesion directed by political leadership of a different character to that currently in power.


The two extreme factions of loyalism and nationalism must give way to the centre ground where politics is open to compromise, diversity and genuine sharing.

Such fundamental change is in the gift of the electorate but it will never happen if either side feels threatened by the other. This is not the time for inflammatory rhetoric. – Is mise,


Stranorlar, Co Donegal.