‘Bland nothings on united Ireland’

Sir, – Úna Mullally is unfair about Micheál Martin's performance on the recent Claire Byrne Show on a united Ireland ("Taoiseach's bland nothings on united Ireland fail us all", Opinion & Analysis, March 29th). The Taoiseach's commitment and sincerity were palpable. He explained very clearly how his thinking has evolved through personal experience before and during his political career.

In considering possible futures for the island, having an understanding of the past, especially the recent past, is not a bad thing to have.

There is indeed a great deal to talk about over the coming years.

Many people are engaged in the conversation, a conversation which will be lengthy, should be based on honest analysis, must be open-ended, and in which nobody is guaranteed the last word.


However, the Government has to tread very carefully. It has responsibilities which commentators and analysts do not. And given the priority it must give, especially at this time, to maintaining the fragile institutions of the Belfast Agreement, Micheál Martin is right to focus on improving practical co-operation and dialogue between all who share this island. As is clearly evident, such co-operation and dialogue are far from a soft option.

But they are of great value in themselves, and also in potentially building the partnerships without which the kind of unity which I personally wish to see would be all the harder to achieve. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.