Aviation safety regulation

Sir, – I refer to your report concerning the Irish Aviation Authority ("Air travel safety watchdog fears dent in ¤200 million revenues", March 24th).

This report highlights a misunderstanding of the primary role of the Irish Aviation Authority (IAA) as an aviation safety regulator versus the generation of revenue from commercial aviation activity.

The IAA is charged with administering “Ireland’s international aviation safety obligations and agreements”, which is considerably more onerous than that of being just a simple “safety watchdog”.

To ensure there is no role conflict or confusion, the Irish Air Line Pilots’ Association (IALPA) strongly holds the view that aviation safety regulation should not be dependent on the need to turn a profit. Safety regulation cannot be allowed to become the Cinderella of Irish aviation. It must be the sole driver of the safety of the travelling public.


Having previously reported on this issue (“Shake-up in air traffic regulation moves closer”, May 13th, 2019), you will no doubt be aware of the independent report from 2017 recommending that safety regulation be separated from the commercial arm of the IAA. The IALPA has campaigned for this separation of safety regulation and commercial interests for many years and continues to do so in the interests of our members and the safety of the travelling public.

In June 2019 the Minister for Transport stated: “. . . given the Government’s better regulation agenda, this [Air Navigation and Transport Bill 2019] is a priority Bill for the government, and I intend to move it along swiftly”. The Bill provides for decoupling safety regulation from commercial interests in the IAA. Some nine months later, the Government has yet to make good on the recommendations from 2017. The IAA makes no note of any of these developments on its own website.

The IALPA calls on the Minister and Government to deliver fully independent aviation safety regulation for Irish aviation professionals and the travelling public as a matter of urgency. – Yours, etc,




Vice President – Finance,

Irish Air Line Pilots’


Dublin 1.