Averting ‘ecological Armageddon’

Sir, – John Gibbons has written a very fundamental article on the impact of what needs to be done in this country to avert climate change ("Intensive farming could cause 'ecological Armageddon' if insects are destroyed", Opinion & Analysis, December 1st).

He recommends “flying becoming a rarity”, “elimination of fossil fuel usage”, a move to “cycling, public transport and electric car pooling”, and so on.

In addition he recommends elimination of the “national beef herd” and its replacement with “organic plant-based agriculture”.

Lastly he foresees that the “spell of mindless consumerism is at last broken” and in future we will “make do with less and waste little”.


Is Dublin Airport hardly being used, and much lower incomes and travel, our future?

How big an improvement in our carbon footprint would that bring?

Also how big a political, economic and social upheaval would that take? – Yours, etc,



Dublin 13.