Pass the parcel?

Sir, – I’m getting old, but I remember when things kind of worked in this country. Now I have to do everything via a computer, whether I like it or not. However, if you’re going to force me to use a website, make sure the darn thing works.

I’m addressing my ire to An Post and its website, which invites you to sign up if you want a package delivered from the US on the cheap.

Attempting to sign up, I reach stage two, which invites you to put in your postcode. However, it does not recognise my postcode, so I try the partial address function. Nope, no luck that way, so in desperation, after several rejections, I hunt up the customer service number on the website.

Ring, ring. Oh God, no, not the dreaded menu. After the long wait, I finally reach a human being, only to be told that An Post has not got all the postcodes and addresses inputted into its system. I wonder who thought to put this super-duper new business up and running when a vital part of it is not functioning properly? – Yours, etc,



Dalkey, Co Dublin.