Amnesty Ireland and Maya Forstater

Sir, – On June 10th, the UK’s Employment Appeal Tribunal found that the right to be gender critical is protected in law. The case, brought by tax expert Maya Forstater, against her former employer, the Centre for Global Development, is a landmark case.

It found that the right of a person to state they believe biological sex is real is protected in law.

Following the judgment, Ms Forstater’s solicitor Peter Daly wrote that “institutions that might have been expected to support women’s political organisation have been almost without exception conspicuous either by their absence, or by their active hostility”.

He made particular mention of Amnesty Ireland.


“Amnesty Ireland went furthest of all by putting its name to a statement calling for people with Gender Critical beliefs to be ‘denied legitimate political representation’. Even typing that sentence feels implausible. Maya Forstater’s success demonstrates the irrelevance of these institutions. They are at risk of redundancy”.

Amnesty Ireland has to explain why it sought to deny people with gender critical beliefs political and media representation.

How can we have confidence in its claim to be neutral in relation to political groups, ideologies and religious dividing lines if it seeks to gag us? – Yours, etc,



Dublin 13.