A white dove on St Patrick’s blue?

Sir, – Your paper has reported a polling shift in favour of a united Ireland. If a united Ireland is fit to come about, it will occur in ways the media and politicians cannot predict. It will be surprising and dissatisfactory to everyone involved. That is as it should be.

If a united Ireland is fit to occur it won’t be shamrocks and shillelaghs. It won’t be bowler hats or orange sashes either. It will be something new and in between that challenges every single one of us. Show me a major change in political sentiment that has occurred in the world in any other way.

In 1956 the idea that the Germans and the French could find more things to unite them than divide them seemed like science fiction. Ireland is ready to change. Partition is holding us back. Let’s have a bit of faith in each other and co-operate properly together. Brexit is a disaster. Maybe one good thing can come from it. A white dove on St Patrick’s blue would make a super flag. No one will be satisfied – and everyone will like it – all at the same time. Our best, most difficult and inspiring days are ahead of us. – Yours, etc,



Co Donegal.