A way to remember those who died in pandemic

Sir, – As we appear to be coming to the end of the first wave of the pandemic, is it not time to reflect on those who lost their lives in this once in a lifetime event?

I feel the most tragic cases were those where families and loved ones could not be present at the final hours. There have been numerous cases where families could not attend the burial rites. Watching it over the internet is no substitute for such a momentous event in any family. So, while thinking of a way of remembering these people, I read that Coillte announced that it is finishing commercial forestry in the Dublin mountains. Those infamous Sitka trees will be phased out and replaced with native broadleaf species.

Walkways and paths are to be provided and the emphasis will be on recreational use. This is great news that has provoked very little comment.

My suggestion is that a new greenway be constructed in this area. Maybe just a mile long, lined with native species trees. Each tree could have a plaque attached with the name and year of birth of everybody who died of Covid 19. Those who were front line staff or HSE employees could have a more distinctive plaque. This walkway could also have some recess areas, complete with benches, for reflection. The cost of such a memorial would be minimal, as it was effectively already planned. No land purchase is required and no planning permission needed.


As I write this, I hear that the new programme for government includes several million euros to construct greenways and cycle paths. So, no excuses? – Yours, etc,


Gorey, Wexford.