A ‘traditional’ Leaving Cert

Sir, – I am absolutely livid at the Government decision to proceed with the "traditional" Leaving Cert ("Leaving Cert 2022: Cabinet set to revert to written exams, despite calls to use hybrid model", News, February 1st). Apart from the fact that this is an antiquated, unfair and not fit for purpose exam, the decision to expect the current sixth-year students to sit it is a national disgrace.

My son is a sixth-year student in Dublin. His experience of school over the last two years has been nightmarish, to say the least. We’ve had Covid-19 in the family, his friends have had Covid, his teachers have had Covid and their teaching “replacements” have had Covid; so much teaching and learning have been missed, interrupted or just not completed.

Every sixth-year student’s experience has been different, some obviously more extreme and upsetting than others, but to expect each of these students to sit down in June to do the same exams is ridiculous. You can’t just tie it all up in a bow this year and say, “Off you go, you’re grand, back to normal.” This the biggest letdown of our young students to date.

The stress they have been under and are continuing to experience is palpable. The Government will be responsible for more than bad decision-making if this is allowed to proceed.


The least they can do for the current cohort is to give them the option of the hybrid model. To tell them the week before the mocks that all is back to “normal” regarding this exam is a joke.

Live in their shoes, live in their minds, live in their worry, live in their uncertainty and then make your decision. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 16.