A Poet Taoiseach?

Sir, – There are not too many people who can lay claim to having added a word to the English language. Charlie Haughey inadvertently summed up the shortcomings of his time in power succinctly by adding the acronym Gubu (grotesque, unbelievable, bizarre and unprecedented) to our popular lexicon.

Leo Varadkar and his predecessor Enda Kenny seem to have a penchant for making digs at the Catholic Church, and the Taoiseach’s recent comparison of Micheál Martin to a sinning priest simply carries on this trend (Home News, July 4th).

The phenomenon of Poet (picking off easy targets) seems to typify the soundbyte-conscious leader we have at the moment. This time, however, it seems to have spectacularly backfired on him. If only he were as quotable on our housing, healthcare, drug, environmental, Brexit and national debt crises. – Yours, etc,




Co Kildare.