A bridge too far?

Sir, – It was fascinating to note East Antrim MP Sammy Wilson's new-found perspective on bridges referred to in your article "Is Boris bridge from North to Scotland feasible?" (Freya McClements, News Analysis, February 24th).

Mr Wilson correctly notes the political benefits of bridges and the role such projects have in integrating countries.

It is a pity that he did not act in such a manner to promote such benefits in relation to the far more achievable Narrow Water bridge over Carlingford Lough. – Yours, etc,




Co Dublin.

Sir, – It was interesting to read Freya McClements’s well-reasoned article in The Irish Times on the proposed fixed link between Northern Ireland and Scotland, which has become known as the Boris bridge.

She quotes experts from both sides of the argument as to the feasibility or otherwise of the project and mentions the views of logistics experts such as Seamus Leheny from the Freight Transport Association, who argues that the money could be far better spent on land-based infrastructure improvements.

Both the Mull of Kintyre and, to a lesser extent, Portpatrick are remote, with appalling road access and no rail links.

Having travelled the inadequate and dangerous main road from Cairnryan to Gretna Green yet again last week, and known locally as the Ho Ch Minh Trail, the dualling of the entire A75 through to England and the A77 north to Ayr are, by any standards, priority projects.

What the British prime minister does not understand or, more likely, dismisses with contempt, is that transport matters are the responsibility of our two devolved governments, the Northern Ireland Assembly and the Scottish Parliament.

The two relevant ministers, Nichola Mallon and Michael Matheson, have written to Mr Johnson to remind him of this and neither have expressed any enthusiasm for this cringingly expensive white elephant. – Yours, etc,


(Lord Dunleath),


Co Down,

Northern Ireland.