€7m subvention for childcare providers

Sir, – Minister for Children Katherine Zappone’s decision to patch up a hotchpotch of a childcare system, by paying €7,000,000 towards insurance costs, illustrates our need to take pre-school education, not just child-minding, seriously.

On all sides we see stressed young parents and, indeed, stressed “working grandparents”. Educationalists have recognised for decades that properly funded and regulated pre-school education is one of the foundation stones of a just and stable society.

When are we going to have a government or a minister for education with the courage to introduce a kindergarten system equivalent to that in other modern European countries?

We have seen how the introduction of free secondary education and grant-aided third-level education has benefited Irish society over the past 50 years. It is time to make another such quantum leap. – Yours, etc,



Shankill, Co Dublin.

Sir, – Are the citizens of Ireland now being asked to pay toward private business insurance premiums so that the insurance company shareholders can make 9 per cent profit?

Is this not another perfect example of where the private sector is unable to provide a viable service, as with housing?

Is it now time for a national public insurance company to be founded to offer reasonable premiums and stop profit-driven insurance companies inhibiting otherwise viable businesses?

Or are we to pay support to every business and individual who can no longer afford the required insurance? The queue is already forming. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 8.

Sir, – While news of a Government subvention to childcare providers will be welcomed by parents, insurance companies must be laughing all the way to their next shareholders’ meetings. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.