Use of CCTV in public areas

We need to be able to monitor antisocial behaviour

Letters to the Editor. Illustration: Paul Scott
The Irish Times - Letters to the Editor.

Sir, – Jack White’s report on trees vandalised in Dodder Valley Park (“Residents ‘devastated’ after 40 trees cut down or broken overnight in Dublin park”, April 20th) notes that CCTV was installed in the park by South Dublin County Council to monitor antisocial behaviour but had to be removed after the Data Protection Commissioner said the council had no role in policing antisocial behaviour as it is a Garda function.

When is this lunacy emanating from the Data Protection Commissioner’s office going to stop? Every garage forecourt in the country, practically every shop as well as other public areas, never mind private homes, have CCTV cameras to monitor antisocial behaviour.

For the Data Commissioner to suggest that a local authority has no right to use common sense, in this case CCTV, to monitor areas subject to the type of behaviour that saw up to 40 trees vandalised last weekend is not just laughable, it’s madness. – Yours, etc,




Co Cork.