Youths in survey want strict refugee control

While the refugee issue does not seem to concern most young people, according to a new survey, there seems to be a perception…

While the refugee issue does not seem to concern most young people, according to a new survey, there seems to be a perception that strict policies should control the numbers and kinds of refugees allowed into the State.

Just over half of those surveyed believe that only those who can fill specific job vacancies should be allowed to enter the State, with 83 per cent stating that numbers should be limited.

The consumer research agency MRBI questioned 447 young people about their lifestyle and attitudes as part of the Decode Youth Lifestyle Research Programme. The Decode group is made up of media and marketing companies with the common objective of marketing strong youth brands.

The political scandals of recent years would appear to have had a negative effect, with two in every five of those surveyed saying they would not trust any party.


On voting intention, the survey found that 22 per cent of those aged 18 to 24 would vote for the main Government party, with Sinn Fein getting a 14 per cent share, the Greens 8 per cent, Fine Gael 5 per cent, Labour 5 per cent and PDs 3 per cent. Another 14 per cent felt they could not say who they would support.

Only 55 per cent of the young people surveyed reported having access to the Internet. However, of those with access, one-third log on at least once a day and spend more than 3 1/2 hours a week on the Internet.

A total of 80 per cent of those surveyed have a mobile phone, with the "pay as you go" option perceived to be the best deal.

Three-quarters of those interviewed said it was vitally important to keep up with the latest fashions. However, despite this concern with image, 92 per cent of the young people agreed that that "personality is more important than looks".

Mary Minihan

Mary Minihan

Mary Minihan is Features Editor of The Irish Times