Former US Senate majority leader Harry Reid dies at 82

‘A crucial, pivotal figure in the development of his beloved home state’

The former amateur boxer who represented Nevada in the US Congress as a Democrat for more than 30 years died after a long battle with pancreatic cancer. Photograph: Jason Reed/ Reuters

Harry Reid, the pugnacious son of a Nevada hard-rock miner who rose from poverty to become the US Senate majority leader and earned a reputation as a fierce partisan fighter during an era of political gridlock in Washington, died on Tuesday. He was 82.

Reid, a former amateur boxer who represented Nevada in the US Congress as a Democrat for more than three decades, died after a long battle with pancreatic cancer, his wife of 62 years, Landra, said.

"I've had the honour of serving with some of the all-time great Senate majority leaders in our history. Harry Reid was one of them. And for Harry, it wasn't about power for power's sake. It was about the power to do right for the people," US president Joe Biden said in a statement.

Vice-president Kamala Harris said later the country had lost an honourable public servant, adding that Reid made a meaningful difference in people's lives.


“Harry Reid rose through the ranks in Washington, becoming Senate majority leader, but he never forgot his humble beginnings in Searchlight, Nevada and he always fought for working families and the poor,” she said.

As majority leader, Reid served as president Barack Obama’s point man in the Senate and helped secure congressional passage of Obama’s signature healthcare law, known as Obamacare, in 2010 over furious Republican opposition.

Obama on Tuesday posted to social media a recent letter he had written to Reid: “You were a great leader in the Senate, and early on you were more generous to me than I had any right to expect,” Obama said in the letter. “I wouldn’t have been president had it not been for your encouragement and support, and I wouldn’t have got most of what I got done without your skill and determination.”

Reid retired in 2016, one year after suffering broken ribs and facial bones and injuring an eye in an accident while exercising at home.

He had ascended to the job of majority leader in 2007 despite being a political moderate who differed from many in his party on abortion, the environment and gun control. In that job Reid regularly clashed with the Republicans and maintained poor relations with the opposition party’s leaders.

“I always would rather dance than fight but I know how to fight,” Reid said in 2004, in a reference to his boxing career.

Strained relationship

In 2012, Mitch McConnell, then the Senate’s top republican, labelled Reid “the worst leader in the Senate ever” while Reid accused McConnell of a breach of faith on an important issue.

During Reid’s time as majority leader, major legislation languished because Democrats and Republicans could not compromise. His relationship with McConnell was so strained that the Republican leader shunned Reid during crucial US fiscal policy talks and dealt directly with vice-president Joe Biden.

“The nature of Harry’s and my jobs brought us into frequent and sometimes intense conflict over politics and policy. But I never doubted that Harry was always doing what he earnestly, deeply felt was right for Nevada and our country. He will rightly go down in history as a crucial, pivotal figure in the development and history of his beloved home state,” McConnell said in a written statement.

In 2013, fed up with Republican procedural moves blocking Obama's judicial and executive branch nominees, Reid pushed through the Senate a historic change to the Senate's filibuster rules, preventing a minority party from blocking presidential appointments except those to the Supreme Court. Republicans said the move was a naked power grab.

Tact was not Reid's strong suit. He called Republican president George W Bush a "loser" and "liar" and said Federal Reserve chief Alan Greenspan was "one of the biggest political hacks we have in Washington".

He apologised in 2010 for referring to Obama, the first black US president, in private conversations two years earlier as “light-skinned” with “no Negro dialect”, saying, “I deeply regret using such a poor choice of words.”

Reid became a Mormon as a young man and eventually became the highest-ranking member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in US public office. – Reuters