Biden will ‘do the job with the best interests of every American at heart,’ Obama says

Leaders congratulate Democratic candidate in ‘a new page for America’

A Biden-Harris campaign sign on display at Black Lives Matter Plaza near the White House in Washington. Photograph:Kenny Holston/The New York Times

Former US president Barack Obama was among many politicians and world leaders to congratulate Joe Biden on winning the US presidential election.

Mr Obama said he “could not be prouder” to congratulate Mr Biden and vice president-elect Kamala Harris, saying: “We’re fortunate that Joe’s got what it takes to be president and already carries himself that way.

“Because when he walks into the White House in January, he’ll face a series of extraordinary challenges no incoming president ever has — a raging pandemic, an unequal economy and justice system, a democracy at risk, and a climate in peril.

“I know he’ll do the job with the best interests of every American at heart, whether or not he had their vote,” Mr Obama said of his former vice president.


Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton hailed Mr Biden and Ms Harris as “a history-making ticket, a repudiation of Trump, and a new page for America”.

Her husband, former president Bill Clinton, posted: “America has spoken and democracy has won. “Now we have a President-Elect and Vice President-Elect who will serve all of us and bring us all together.”

House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi tweeted: “We kept the republic! Congratulations to Joe Biden on his victory for the soul of our country.

“Congratulations to Kamala Harris for making history. It’s a time to heal and a time to grow together. E Pluribus Unum.”

Vermont Senator and former Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders tweeted: “I want to congratulate all those who worked so hard to make this historic day possible. “Now, through our continued grassroots organizing, let us create a government that works for ALL and not the few. “Let us create a nation built on justice, not greed and bigotry.”

Wrld leaders are welcoming Joe Biden’s election win with many hoping the Democratic US . president-elect will spur a reset in ties, bringing a renewed focus on global issues like climate change and a more collaborative approach to tackling the coronavirus pandemic.

In his four years as president, Donald Trump upended decades of accepted American foreign policy. He criticized longstanding allies in Europe, withdrew from international agreements and organizations, and set aside human rights concerns to cultivate ties with more authoritarian leaders in Saudi Arabia, Hungary and Turkey.

Mr Biden, meanwhile, promised a more multilateral approach, leveraging relationships with allies in Europe and Asia. Even so, he is expected to continue a tougher line on trade matters and will need to balance public sentiment at home, which is for America to stop shouldering so much of the burden for global defense.

Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spoke of the “extraordinary relationship” between the countries in his statement congratulating Biden andMs Harris. “We will further build on this foundation as we continue to keep our people safe and healthy from the impacts of the global Covid-19 pandemic, and work to advance peace and inclusion, economic prosperity, and climate action around the world,” he said.

UK prime minister Boris Johnson cited shared priorities including climate change, trade and security in sending his congratulations to Mr Biden. He also acknowledged the election of Harris as the first woman, the first Black person and the first Indian-American as vice president.

French president Emmanuel Macron called on the incoming American administration to “work together” with France. “We have a lot to do to overcome today’s challenges,” he said on Twitter.

German foreign minister Heiko Maas said:“We look forward to working with the next U.S. administration. We want to invest in our cooperation, for a transatlantic restart and a New Deal.”

Greek prime minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis tweeted: “Congratulations to US President-Elect @JoeBiden. Joe Biden has been a true friend of Greece and I’m certain that under his presidency the relationship between our countries will grow even stronger.”

China State media have not commented specifically on Mr Biden’s win, but the state-affiliated People’s Daily had a bit of fun with a recent Trump tweet where he claimed, without evidence, to have won the election by a large margin. –Bloomber/AP/Reuters