Barack Obama plans to show up for jury duty, says judge

Former US president ‘to carry out his public duty as a citizen and resident of this community’

Former US president Barack Obama pictured in 2012. File photograph: Jewel Samad/AFP/Getty Images

Barack Obama has been called for jury duty and the former US president plans to show up, according to court officials.

The chief judge of Cook County, Illinois, announced at a budget hearing on Friday that Mr Obama would be completing his civic duty next month, the Chicago Tribune reported.

Chief judge Tim Evans told the newspaper that the courts would make adjustments to accommodate Mr Obama’s security detail, adding, “Obviously we will make certain that he has all the accoutrements that accompany a former president. His safety will be uppermost in our minds.

“He made it crystal-clear to me through his representative that he would carry out his public duty as a citizen and resident of this community.”


This is not the first time that Mr Obama has been called for jury duty in recent years. In 2010, he received a

summons for jury duty

in Cook County, where he owns a home, just as he was preparing for his first State of the Union address.

Mr Obama, who has a law degree from Harvard, did not serve on that jury.

“Although it’s not a place where the public can earn a lot of money, it is highly appreciated,” Mr Evans also told the Tribune on Friday. “It’s crucial that our society get the benefit of that kind of commitment.”

Mr Obama has not yet commented on his jury duty.

Former president George W Bush reported for jury duty in Dallas, Texas in 2015. Senator John Kerry also showed up for jury duty in 2005 and was selected to sit on the jury and serve as the foreman.

Singer Taylor Swift made headlines when she missedthe MTV Video Music Awards to attend jury duty. A judge, however, dismissed her as a potential juror in an aggravated rape and kidnapping case.

Oprah Winfrey also showed up for jury duty in Cook County in 2004. - Guardian News and Media 2017