Taoiseach congratulates David Cameron on UK election win

Enda Kenny hopes to further develop ‘strong and positive relationship’ between nations

Taoiseach Enda Kenny has congratulated David Cameron on his UK General Election victory, expressing hope that strong relations between the nations can develop further.

Mr Kenny also wished the 18 MPs elected in Northern Ireland well.

"I send warm congratulations and best wishes to David Cameron on his re-election as British prime minister," he said.

“I look forward to my next meeting with the prime minister to build on our very close relationship and to continue our work on sustaining and developing the strong and positive relationship that exists between our two countries.”


He added: "I look forward to renewing our engagement on the full range of issues of common interest to the UK and Ireland. I take the opportunity to extend my congratulations to all those who were elected, including those in Northern Ireland. "

Minister for Foreign Affairs Charlie Flanagan highlighted the State's positive working relationship with the UK in regard to Northern Ireland, foreign affairs and bilateral trade.

He said work remained to be done when it came to the implementation of the terms of the Stormont House Agreement, which was struck between the two governments and the Northern Ireland Executive.

“I join the Taoiseach in congratulating prime minister Cameron and indeed all those elected across all parts of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,” said Mr Flanagan.

“As Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, my working relations with both the British foreign secretary and the secretary of state for Northern Ireland (Theresa Villiers) have been very close and constructive, involving regular and in-depth engagement, in particular in Belfast, London and Brussels.

Mr Flanagan said there was important work “to do together” in the coming months on many issues.

“In particular, I, with my British counterpart, will be actively engaging with the parties in Northern Ireland to ensure successful implementation of the Stormont House Agreement, which our two Governments and the NI Executive parties worked hard together to achieve last December,” he added.