British prime minister Boris Johnson is to present MPs with a way out of an enforced holiday by giving them another vote on holding a general election before a final decision to prorogue parliament is taken.
What will happen in Westminster today?
Debate will take place in parliament about petitions both opposing and supporting Mr Johnson's radical move to suspend parliament for five weeks ahead of the October 31st Brexit deadline.
A petition calling for the suspension to be blocked has garnered more than 1.7 million signatures.
Analysts still believe it is likely that the PM will push on and prorogue parliament, possibly as early as today.
Anything else?
No doubt lots. But among them, Michael Gove will appear before the House of Lords EU committee to give evidence about the UK government's Brexit negotiations and no-deal preparations.
He will be asked about topics such as how the British government’s preparations for a no-deal Brexit have been accelerated, and what are the biggest risks with a such a departure.
Will there be a general election in the UK before October 31st?
It is looking less and less likely.
The British government has tabled a motion calling for an early poll, which will also be debated on Monday, but with opposition parties agreeing not to support it, it is unlikely to garner the backing of the two-thirds of MPs needed for it to pass.

So no chance of an early election?
There is still a chance, yes. It could be triggered by Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn calling a no-confidence motion in the government on Monday and Mr Johnson losing it.
It could also happen if, first, the Brexit deadline is extended and the government again calls an early poll, and this time two-thirds of MPs do support that idea, given the comfort of a later deadline.
What else is Boris Johnson doing on Monday?
He is flying to Dublin to meet the Taoiseach. Leo Varadkar has said, however, that Mr Johnson should not be expecting major progress on Irish Border talks.
Might Brexit still happen with a deal?
Despite parliament’s problems grappling with deal proposals in the past, it is still considered possible.
Now that a no-deal Brexit is starting to look less likely to pass through parliament, analysts suggest framing a deal that gets passed could be the easiest way for Mr Johnson to deliver on his vow of completing Brexit.– PA