British nurse with Ebola has stabilised but is still in critical condition

British health secretary Jeremy Hunt has praised courage of nurse Pauline Cafferkey

Pauline Cafferkey: “continues to receive the best possible care”
Pauline Cafferkey: “continues to receive the best possible care”

The British nurse who was diagnosed with Ebola after returning from volunteering in Sierra Leone is still in a critical condition, but has now stabilised, the health secretary, Jeremy Hunt, has said.

In a statement to the Commons, Hunt praised the courage of Pauline Cafferkey, the Scottish nurse who is now seriously ill with the disease following her return to the UK a week ago.

Hunt said her doctors had told him she was still critical, but stable since Sunday. She and her colleagues, who spent their Christmas treating the sick of Sierra Leone, deserved the nation’s thanks, he said.

“Pauline’s condition has deteriorated to a critical state although she stabilised yesterday and continues to receive the best possible care,” he said.


Cafferkey was cleared to fly on from Heathrow to Glasgow after seven separate temperature checks, in accordance with the public health protocols in place on Sunday 28 December - even though she had said she felt she might be developing a slight fever.

She only became symptomatic overnight at her home - at which point she called the health authorities, was tested for Ebola and then transferred to the Royal Free hospital in London.