Raúl Castro confirms he is stepping down as Cuban Communist Party leader

Move marks the end of six decades of rule by Raúl and his older brother Fidel

Cuban first secretary of the Communist Party Raúl Castro speaks during the opening session  of the party’s congress, in Havana. Photograph: Ariel Ley Royero/ACN/AFP via Getty Images
Cuban first secretary of the Communist Party Raúl Castro speaks during the opening session of the party’s congress, in Havana. Photograph: Ariel Ley Royero/ACN/AFP via Getty Images

Raúl Castro confirmed he was stepping down as leader of the all-powerful Cuban Communist Party at its congress that kicked off on Friday, ending six decades of rule by himself and older brother Fidel.

In a speech opening the four-day event, Castro (89) said the new leadership were party loyalists with decades of experience working their way up the ranks and were “full of passion and anti-imperialist spirit”.

Mr Castro had said at the last party congress in 2016 it would be the last one led by the “historic generation” who fought in the Sierra Maestra to topple a US-backed dictator in the 1959 leftist revolution. He already handed over the presidency to protege Miguel Díaz-Canel (60) in 2018.

The congress is the party’s most important meeting. It is held every five years to review policy and fix leadership.


"I believe fervently in the strength and exemplary nature and comprehension of my compatriots, and as long as I live I will be ready with my foot in the stirrups to defend the fatherland, the revolution and socialism," Mr Castro told hundreds of party delegates gathered at a convention centre in Havana.

The congress is a closed-door event but excerpts are being broadcast on state television.

Mr Castro, who launched a raft of social and economic reforms to open up Cuba after inheriting leadership from Fidel in 2008, hailed Mr Díaz-Canel as one of the new generation of leaders.

Mr Castro’s olive green military fatigues contrasted with the civil get-up of his protege, who is widely expected to succeed him as party first secretary, the most powerful position in Cuba’s one-party system.

Older Cubans said they would miss having a Castro at the helm, although most acknowledged it was time to pass on the baton.

.The White House said on Friday a shift in Cuba policy was not among US president Joe Biden's top foreign policy priorities.

Mr Castro said Cuba was ready for a "new type of relationship with the United States without . . . Cuba having to renounce the principles of the revolution and socialism."

Economic crisis

Cuba's new leaders face the worst economic crisis since the collapse of former benefactor the Soviet Union, while there are signs of growing frustration, especially among younger Cubans.

A tightening of the decades-old US trade embargo and the coronavirus pandemic have exacerbated a liquidity crisis in the ailing centrally planned economy, which was already struggling following a decline in Venezuelan aid.

The country has seen shortages of even basic goods, with many Cubans spending hours lining up to buy groceries.

Those problems are foremost on citizens’ minds, especially younger Cubans who have known only crisis, analysts said.

Since the expansion of internet access in recent years, Cubans are increasingly using social media as a platform to express criticism, while online non-state media is challenging the state monopoly of mass media.

Tight control of public spaces by the authorities means protests are still relatively rare and small-scale, but they are on the increase nationwide.

Mr Castro said on Friday it was important to speed up reforms, denouncing – as he has in the past – “inertia, conformism, the lack of initiative” in state companies.

Yet he said reforms fomenting the non-state sector should not go beyond certain limits that would lead to the “very destruction of socialism and the end of national sovereignty”.

Party militants like Rogelio Machado, a mathematics teacher, said they were confident the new generation was up to walking that tricky tightrope.

“Our country need changes and the new generation is more scientifically prepared to continue the path of socialism,” he said.

But government critics like “artivist” Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara, whom Havana accuses of being part of a US-backed soft coup attempt, say the death knell is sounding for the revolution.

“Raúl is passing over the power to someone with little charisma and who does not have much popular support,” he said while staging his latest performance against the government, in which he sits in a garrote for the four days of the congress. “This takes us one step closer to democracy.” – Reuters