Kurds seize Iraq oilfields as ministers pull out of government

Tensions between PM and Kurds scupper plans to agree new government to confront Isis

Increasingly bitter political squabbling in Iraq has prompted the country’s senior Shi’ite cleric today to urge leaders to pull together and for fighters to respect all Iraqis regardless of sect or ethnicity. Pictured is Sheikh Abdul Mehdi Al-Karbala’i delivering a sermon by Iraq’s top Shi’ite cleric Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani. Photograph: Mushtaq Muhammed/Reuters.

Kurdish forces seized two oilfieds in north Iraq today and took over operations from a state-run oil company, while Kurdish politicians formally suspended their participation in prime minister Nuri al-Maliki's government.

The moves escalated a feud between the Shi’ite-led central government and the autonomous Kurdish region driven by a Sunni insurgency which threatens to fragment Iraq on sectarian and ethnic lines three years after the withdrawal of US forces.

The Kurdish forces took over production facilities at the Bai Hassan and Kirkuk oilfields near Kirkuk today, according to the oil ministry in Baghdad.

The oil ministry called on the Kurds to withdraw immediately to avoid “dire consequences”.


Kurdish forces took control of nearby Kirkuk a month ago after Iraqi troops withdrew in the face of a lightning assault by Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (Isis), also known as the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, militants who have seized large parts of north and west Iraq.

The two oilfields have a combined production capacity of 450,000 barrels per day but have not been producing significant volumes since March when Baghdad’s Kirkuk-Ceyhan export pipeline was sabotaged.

Efforts to reach agreement on a new government in Baghdad to confront the insurgents have been complicated by the tensions between Mr Maliki and the Kurds.

The national parliament elected in April met for the first time last week. The United States, the United Nations and Iraq's own Shi'ite clerics have urged lawmakers to form a new government to face the Sunni insurgency quickly.

Parliament’s first session ended without agreement over the nominations for the top three government posts. The second was was due to be held on Tuesday but was delayed until Sunday.

Regional Kurdish president Massoud Barzani last week told his parliament in Arbil to prepare a referendum on independence, infuriating Mr Maliki.

The relationship hit a new low this week when the prime minister accused Kurds of allowing their capital to be used as a base for Isis and others, including former members of Saddam Hussein’s now-banned Baath Party.

In protest against the accusation, the Kurdish political bloc announced they were suspending their participation in Baghdad government today. Foreign minister Hoshiyar Zebari said the Kurds will continue to attend parliament.

Mr Zebari, who is a Kurd, said Iraq risked falling apart if a new inclusive government is not formed soon as “the country is now divided literally into three states - “Kurdish, a black state (Isis) and Baghdad.”

Unless Iraqi leaders rose to the challenge “the consequences are very dire: complete fragmentation and failure” of the country, he said.

Mr Zebari said the suspension decision would be re-evaluated if Mr Maliki apologises for his comments.

After the announcement, Mr Maliki appointed Hussain al-Shahristani, the deputy prime minister, as acting foreign minister, an official in Mr Shahristani’s office said.

Egyptian foreign minister Sameh Shukri met Maliki in Baghdad today to stress Egypt's support for efforts to avoid "the threat (of) sectarian confrontation and the spread of extremism and terrorism in the name of religion."

A spokesman for Mr Barzani described Mr Maliki, who is seeking a third term in office in the face of political opposition, “has been afflicted by a true hysteria”.

The increasingly bitter political accusations prompted the country’s senior Shi’ite cleric today to urge Iraq’s leaders to end their bickering and for fighters to respect all Iraqis regardless of sect or ethnicity.

"We have repeatedly called for the closing of ranks and for unity and to refrain from radical discourse," Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani said in a sermon delivered by an aide.
