US embassy in Dublin to relocate

THE US embassy has confirmed that a move from its current location in Ballsbridge is under consideration

THE US embassy has confirmed that a move from its current location in Ballsbridge is under consideration. However a spokeswoman said the process could take some time. The current building, which opened in 1964, is now considered to be too small.

Premises close to the Guinness brewery in St James’s Gate, Dublin and a site in Ballymun have been inspected as possible alternatives.

The Ballsbridge embassy has been placed on the US state department’s list of overseas buildings which are no longer suitable.

The spokeswoman said there was no indication as to when the actual move might take place.


“We have determined that we need a bigger building. It’s certainly not going to happen in the near future,” the embassy spokeswoman said. No commitment to any other site had been entered into, she added.

The current three-storey over basement building in Ballsbridge is seen as a fine example of modern architecture.

The interior is a “doughnut” plan with a three-storey atrium called “the rotunda” and all the rooms opening off a central space.

The building was designed by US architect John MacL Johansen, in consultation with Ireland’s Michael Scott.

In 1969 An Taisce gave the embassy building its premier award “for effective development of a prominent corner site on a main city approach, for sympathy of scale with existing environment and interest of character, without imitation of surrounding buildings, and for integration with existing trees and street setting”.

Deaglán  De Bréadún

Deaglán De Bréadún

Deaglán De Bréadún, a former Irish Times journalist, is a contributor to the newspaper