Two herbal medicines are recalled in scare

All batches of two herbal medicines have been recalled by the Irish Medicines Board.

All batches of two herbal medicines have been recalled by the Irish Medicines Board.

The medicines, PC-SPES and SPES are marketed as "herbal dietary supplements" for "prostate health" and "strengthening the immune system".

Both are manufactured by the BotanicLab company in the United States. They have been recalled here following a report from the California Department of Health that samples contained prescription-only drugs.

Analysis of PC-SPES and SPES showed they had been adulterated with Warfarin and Alprazolam respectively.


Warafin is an anti-coagulant (blood-thinning) agent which can cause serious bleeding, particularly if taken with other medicines. It should be taken only under doctor supervision and with regular blood-testing.

Alprazolam is prescribed for the treatment of anxiety.

The two herbal medicines are sold via the Internet, by mail and by phone as well as through various distributors and healthcare professionals.

Anyone taking PC-SPES or SPES which has been manufactured by BotanicLab should immediately stop taking them and contact their healthcare professional, the IMB has advised. The Board has been in contact with Botanic-Lab which is continuing a full investigation.

Anyone still in possession of the medicines should contact the Inspectorate Department of the IMB at (01) 676 4971.

Kitty Holland

Kitty Holland

Kitty Holland is Social Affairs Correspondent of The Irish Times