Two Garda suspended after Shortt judgement

The Garda Commissioner Pat Byrne confirmed this evening that two members of the Garda Síochána have been suspended after the …

The Garda Commissioner Pat Byrne confirmed this evening that two members of the Garda Síochána have been suspended after the ruling in the Frank Shortt case.

A Superintendent referred to in yesterday's judgement and now based in Dublin having been transferred from Donegal along with a Garda, based in Donegal, have both been suspended from duty.

A third member referred to in the judgement, a Detective Garda, is already suspended.

Yesterday the Court of Criminal Appeal yesterday declared a miscarriage of justice in the case of Mr Shortt - a Co Donegal nightclub owner who spent three years in jail for knowingly allowing drugs to be sold on his premises. The conviction was quashed in November 2000.


The State now faces a huge compensation claim from Mr Shortt. His lawyers are expected to apply to the Minister for Justice in the autumn to fix compensation.

The court's finding that two Garda witnesses in the case, Det Garda Noel McMahon and Supt Kevin Lennon, had "consciously and deliberately" invented evidence, and then concealed this fact, is expected to prompt further investigation

Earlier today the Taoiseach has said that those involved in the Shortt case would be brought to justice.

Speaking in Galway, Mr Ahern said the miscarriage of justice was regrettable but the incident would be fully investigated.

The Minister for Justice, Mr McDowell, said he was "clearly concerned" about the court's decision and its implications. He declined to comment further until he had studied the full judgment.

Opposition parties called on the Minister to take steps to bolster public confidence in the Garda Síochána.

Mr Ahern said he did not think the case had damaged public confidence in the Garda as it showed they were prepared to leave no stone uncovered when something went wrong in the force.

Patrick  Logue

Patrick Logue

Patrick Logue is Digital Editor of The Irish Times