Traditional ways of teaching still prevail, says study

TRADITIONAL METHODS of teaching still dominate in Irish primary schools with relatively little group work or active learning, …

TRADITIONAL METHODS of teaching still dominate in Irish primary schools with relatively little group work or active learning, according to a new report from the Economic and Social Research Institute.

The study concludes that female pupils and those attending fee-paying or Gaelscoileanna are more likely to experience more active learning in their classroom than other children.

The finding points out how the 1999 Primary Curriculum focuses on children as active learners. Despite this, it says “more traditional teaching approaches remain dominant. Whole-class teaching continues to be commonplace, with much less use of active learning methods (such as group-work) than had been envisaged.”

Younger teachers, it concludes, are more likely to use more active methodologies in the classroom than more experienced teachers.


But more active teaching methods are much less prevalent in larger classes, indicating the constraints caused by class size.

The study also points to significant differences in how pupils spend their school day. Girls in single-sex primary schools spend more time on religious education, but their male counterparts in single-sex schools spend more time on physical education, history and geography.

Broadly, the nine-year-olds surveyed spent most time at school learning English, maths, Irish and religion. But the mix offered to pupils depended on the type of school attended.

There is large variation across schools, and within schools, in the time allocated to particular subject areas. This may mean that some students spend significantly less time than their peers on subjects such as mathematics.

More experienced teachers were much more likely to spend greater amounts of time on English, Irish and mathematics.

Pupils in Gaelscoileanna are more likely to experience a broad curriculum. The report points to “striking disengagement levels” among children with special educational needs. It also finds boys are more likely than girls to be disengaged and more negative about literacy-based subjects.

The report shows how children’s experiences of school vary quite dramatically depending on the school they attend and the teacher they have.

Dr Selina McCoy of the Economic and Social Research Institute said the report highlighted significant variation in the types of teaching and learning experiences primary school children have.

While this reflects schools and teachers adapting timetabling and teaching approaches to the perceived needs of different students, the report points to the need to balance this flexibility at the school level with ensuring that all children have exposure to varied subjects and methods. The report is based on data gathered through a wider survey about the lives and attitudes of nine-year-olds here.

The study finds nine-year-olds are broadly positive about school and their teachers. The Primary Classroom: Insights From the Growing Up In Ireland Studyis published jointly by the institute and National Council for Curriculum and Assessment.

Seán Flynn

Seán Flynn

The late Seán Flynn was education editor of The Irish Times