Three permanent park and ride facilities proposed for Galway

Plans for three permanent park and ride facilities are to come before Galway City Council following the success of a temporary…

Plans for three permanent park and ride facilities are to come before Galway City Council following the success of a temporary pilot scheme over the Christmas.

Galway city manager Joe MacGrath said he saw the potential for three permanent facilities to be developed at Oranmore, Ballybrit and the west side of the city.

"I hope to bring proposals to the councillors early in the new year to develop a permanent park and ride facility on land owned by the city council near the Quality Hotel in Oranmore.

"We have plans to extend the bus lane on the Dublin Road back out to Doughiska so a permanent park and ride would work very well in that area."


Mr MacGrath said he would also like to develop a permanent park and ride facility at Ballybrit, where a temporary pilot facility was in operation at the moment.

In the medium term, he said he planned to look at the development of a park and ride facility on the west of the city.

However, he said finding a location for a car park in that part of the city was a bit more problematic than the east side.

"I would be very interested in hearing about interest from the private sector in working on a park and ride facility.

"While the pilot scheme was free any permanent facility would have to be paid for by the customer; the idea being a single fare for parking and using the bus."

The city manager plans to bring proposals for the Oranmore park and ride to the city council in the first quarter of 2006.

Minister for State Frank Fahey said since park and ride had proven so successful in the city, it was now time to broaden the initiative.

He said he hoped it would be expanded appropriately to include more locations within the county.

Further to his call in June for the development of car parking facilities at the Galway side of Loughrea, Tuam and Gort, Mr Fahey has asked Minister for Transport Martin Cullen to meet with Galway city and county council officials.

This would be with a view to providing funding in 2006 for quality bus corridors and the development of car parking facilities in a number of county locations.

Michelle McDonagh

Michelle McDonagh

Michelle McDonagh, a contributor to The Irish Times, writes about health and family