Third-level charges set to rise with further annual increases to 2015

REGISTRATION FEES CHANGES: COLLEGE CHARGES are set to rise by 50 per cent during the Government’s term of office – despite the…

REGISTRATION FEES CHANGES:COLLEGE CHARGES are set to rise by 50 per cent during the Government's term of office – despite the pre-election "no fees" pledge by the Minister for Education.

Ruairí Quinn has confirmed that the student contribution charge will increase by €250 for the next three years, bringing it to €3,000 by 2015.

The student contribution charge – formerly the student registration charge – was €900 in 2008. It was increased by the last government to €1,500 in 2009 and again to €2,000 in 2010.

Amid speculation about the return of “old-fashioned” fees averaging more than €5,000, there was relief in student circles when Mr Quinn increased the charge by €250 in December’s budget.


At that time there were signals from education sources that students could expect a series of further increases over the lifetime of this Government. This was confirmed for the first time on Thursday when Mr Quinn told University of Limerick students: “We now have this €2,000 fee, €2,250 next [academic] year and it is probably increasing up to €3,000 . . . that is kind of the downside of the story.”

In the weeks before the election, Mr Quinn had promised not to increase student contributions if in government. Asked about this on Thursday, he said: “With regard to breaking promises, I didn’t feel great about it all. I still don’t feel great about it, but I have to get on with it.”

Gary Redmond, president of the Union of Students in Ireland, said the increase in fees would make third-level education a “less viable option” for most families. “There was always the suspicion that the Minister was going to increase it over the lifetime of his Government and pander to his backbenchers,” Mr Redmond added.

The Minister had a duty “to come clean with students and families”, Mr Redmond added.

Mr Quinn has stressed how more than 40 per cent of students eligible for grant support will be exempt from student charges.

Registration fees: Changes













Payments are made in September of the academic year

Seán Flynn

Seán Flynn

The late Seán Flynn was education editor of The Irish Times