'The Secret of Kells' reopens ancient row

THE UNEXPECTED Oscar nomination for the animation film The Secret of Kells has reopened a centuries-old dispute between Trinity…

THE UNEXPECTED Oscar nomination for the animation film The Secret of Kellshas reopened a centuries-old dispute between Trinity College Dublin and Kells.

The chairman of Kells Urban District Council Cllr Brian Curran said the success of the film had given a “sense of renewal” to their campaign to have a part of the book returned to the town.

Cllr Curran said he was annoyed at suggestions that Kells had given up looking for its book back and he would put forward a motion at the next council meeting to reopen negotiations with Trinity.

In 2000, the UDC failed to persuade Trinity to allow it display one of the manuscripts that make up the book as a centrepiece of a new heritage centre in Kells.


Though called the Book of Kells, it comprises four manuscripts containing the four gospels. Two are on display permanently in Trinity.

The heritage centre was closed in October because of a lack of funding and problems with its roof. The UDC is now making a special case to the Government for around €200,000 in funding that will be needed to carry out repairs.

Cllr Curran maintained all the issues relating to security and ventilation within the building that TCD raised before had been addressed, and said the imminent opening of the M3 would make access to Kells much easier.

The Secret of Kellsis due for release in the US on St Patrick's Day and the nomination is likely to bring it to the attention of millions of potential filmgoers.

“We are going to use all those energies to try to put a positive slant on the request again to Trinity college,” Cllr Curran added.

The Book of Kellsderives its name from the abbey in the town where the book was stored for seven centuries until 1643, when Oliver Cromwell's men occupied the abbey church.

The book was removed to Dublin for safekeeping and has been on display in the Old Library in Trinity College since the middle of the 19th century.

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy is a news reporter with The Irish Times