TDs' criticism of judge ruled out of order

Criticism of a judge's remarks about immigrants was ruled out of order in the Dáil yesterday

Criticism of a judge's remarks about immigrants was ruled out of order in the Dáil yesterday. The Ceann Comhairle, Dr Rory O'Hanlon, refused to allow discussion of the comments, pointing out that "the judiciary is totally independent of the House".

A number of TDs attempted to raise the remarks of Judge John Neilan, District Court judge in Longford, who said during the hearing of a case that shopping centres in Longford would introduce a ban on "coloured people" entering their premises if a spate of shoplifting did not stop.

Mr Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin of Sinn Féin attempted to have the day's business suspended for a debate on the "need for a system of proper training and accountability for judges, especially in the area of race relations and equal status".

The Tánaiste, Ms Harney, told Labour leader Mr Pat Rabbitte that the Judicial Conduct and Ethics Bill would be published early next year. He had asked about it "having regard to recent remarks by at least one member of the judiciary".


Mr Ó Caoláin asked if the Tánaiste and Cabinet colleagues could use their influence to bring about faster publication of the legislation, because recent remarks "clearly underscored" the need for it.

Ms Harney said the Minister for Justice would bring the Bill forward "as quickly as possible".

Judge Neilan made his comments when two non-national women appeared before him on shoplifting charges.

Marie O'Halloran

Marie O'Halloran

Marie O'Halloran is Parliamentary Correspondent of The Irish Times