TDs and Senators face random audit of expenses

THE OIREACHTAS will hire a professional auditor to carry out a random annual audit of the expenses of TDs and Senators.

THE OIREACHTAS will hire a professional auditor to carry out a random annual audit of the expenses of TDs and Senators.

The auditor previously charged with overseeing expenses and allowances resigned in 2009, citing the refusal of politicians to reform the regime.

Tom O’Higgins, the chairman of the audit committee of the Houses of the Oireachtas Commission, complained in a strongly worded resignation letter that the commission ignored his proposals for reform and left him with no option but to resign.

The minutes of the commission’s latest meeting reveal “that a request for tender for the services of a professional auditor to undertake the audit is to issue shortly”.


Updated regulations provide for “a random annual audit of members’ expenses of not less than 10 per cent of those members in receipt of amounts in excess of the unvouched public representation allowance”, the minutes state.

The public representation allowance can cover the cleaning of office accommodation; rent, rates and insurance relating to offices; utility bills; the purchase of stationery; constituency office signage; telephone calls; computer costs; leaflet distribution; and advertising.

The minimum certified amount for unvouched expenditure is €12,000 for Ministers and Ministers of State; €15,000 for Deputies and Dáil office holders, and €9,250 for Senators and Seanad office holders.

TDs and Senators also receive a travel and accommodation allowance. The travel allowance is not available to Ministers, Ministers of State or the Ceann Comhairle, although the Ceann Comhairle is entitled to an annual accommodation allowance of €16,350.

Members are required to confirm attendance in Leinster House by signing a register or using an electronic fob.

The maximum for vouched expenditure, subject to audit, is €20,000 for Ministers and junior ministers; €25,700 for TDs and €15,000 for Senators.

Mary Minihan

Mary Minihan

Mary Minihan is Features Editor of The Irish Times