Taxis withdraw service nationwide

TOWNS AND cities across the State are likely to be without taxi services today as a result of a 24-hour national stoppage which…

TOWNS AND cities across the State are likely to be without taxi services today as a result of a 24-hour national stoppage which began in the early hours of this morning.

The Irish Taxi Drivers’ Federation, National Private Hire Taxi Association, Siptu taxi branch, and Taxi Drivers for Change will be striking in protest over conditions in the industry.

The National Taxi Drivers’ Union (NTDU) is not officially part of the protest as there was not sufficient time to ballot members under its union rules. However, NTDU president Tommy Gorman said drivers are unlikely to work during the other unions’ protest.

The stoppage, which began at 4am today will continue until 4am tomorrow, is likely to mean that few taxis will be available nationally, although the unions have said that they will still provide services in emergency cases.


Taxi Drivers for Change said it will be occupying ranks in Dublin and in cities and larger towns, using vehicles to take up space on ranks, but refusing to take fares. They will stop drivers who don’t take part in the protest from using ranks to ply for hire.

The drivers for change group is not a union but has a growing membership nationally, many of whom are members of established unions.

Unions warned of an escalation earlier this month following a meeting with Minister for Transport Noel Dempsey where he refused to reject a report, compiled by Goodbody Economic Consultants, which recommended against a moratorium on the issuing of new licences.

John Ussher, president of the Irish Taxi Drivers’ Federation, which organised today’s protest, said the union had tried the diplomatic route with the Minister and taxi regulator Kathleen Doyle but this had failed. “We feel that an obstacle course is constantly being put in our way.”

Siptu taxi representative Jerry Brennan said the Goodbody report had been “the last straw” which made protests inevitable.

Olivia Kelly

Olivia Kelly

Olivia Kelly is Dublin Editor of The Irish Times