Maynooth gets 17 new seminarians studying for priesthood

There are now about 80 men training to become priests at St Patrick’s College

College president Monsignor Hugh Connolly has called for prayers that more people will consider a vocation to the clergy amid the ongoing shortage of priests across the country. Photograph: Christian Hartmann/Reuters

Seventeen new seminarians have started studying for the priesthood in Maynooth, up three on last year's intake but three less than began their studies there in 2013.

There are now about 80 men training to become priests at St Patrick’s College, the national seminary.

Three of the 17 newcomers are from the Dublin archdiocese, three from Down and Connor, two from Killaloe and one each from Armagh, Cork and Ross, Derry, Galway, Waterford and Lismore, Ossory, Raphoe and Tuam.

When the new seminarians complete their introductory programme next month, four will continue their studies at St Malachy’s College in Belfast.


College president Monsignor Hugh Connolly has called for prayers that more people will consider a vocation to the clergy amid the ongoing shortage of priests across the country.

As well as 60 resident seminarians in Maynooth, the college is also host to 20 non-resident seminarians, some post-graduate priests and several hundred lay students.