Ecumenical Walk of Light in Dublin on 23rd November

Walk will mark beginning of liturgical year and seven Christian faiths set to take part

The 10th ecumenical ‘Walk of Light’ involving churches in Dublin takes place on Sunday 23rd November.

The walk will begin at 4 pm with prayers in St Mary’s Catholic church on Haddington Road.

At 4.30pm it will leave there for St Bartholomew's Church of Ireland on Clyde Road where Alice Leahy of Trust will speak of their work with homeless people. The walk will then resume to the Dublin Korean Church and on to the Methodist Centenary Church on Leeson Park.

The walk motto this year is ‘Isolated by Hurt, Joined in Hope - Emmanuel, God With Us.’


People from all walks of life have been taking part in these walks over the past decade, as the churches prepare for a new liturgical year with the coming of Advent and assert that they belong together as Christians.

Taking part will be members of the Catholic Church and the Church of Ireland as well as members of Korean, Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian, and Ethiopian Orthodox congregations in the area.

The walk is expected to arrive at the Methodist Centenary Church on Leeson Park at about 6pm where, following concluding prayers, there will be light refreshments.

Everyone is welcome to take part, for all or part of the journey.

Further details at

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry is a contributor to The Irish Times