Census diversity: ‘I really like the work-life balance in Ireland’

Laura Bach moved from Brazil to Dublin in 2013 with her husband

Laura Bach (centre right) and her husband (centre) in Dublin. Photograph: Laura Bach

When Laura Bach and her Danish husband decided to move to Ireland in 2013, friends and family warned that it would be difficult to find work in a country emerging from years of recession.

“It took me a while to find work but that was more because I was getting used to how to behave in an Irish interview. I was feeling a bit insecure and getting used to a whole new culture.”

Ms Bach’s husband had already accepted a job offer with a tech company before moving to Ireland and she found work six months after they arrived.

Initially struggled

Coming from Brazil, the couple initially struggled with the Irish climate. “Getting used to the harsh winter and dark mornings is difficult. I like how Irish people behave when there’s warm weather, everyone gets so excited.”


Ms Bach says Dublin’s large Brazilian community has made it easier to settle. “It helps you not miss home that much . . . I found it very easy to make friends here too, especially in the workplace. Irish people love to go out after work and when you’re a foreigner that helps a lot.”

Ms Bach has just completed a two-year masters and has no plans to leave Ireland in the near future. “ I really like the work-life balance and being able to travel.”

Sorcha Pollak

Sorcha Pollak

Sorcha Pollak is an Irish Times reporter specialising in immigration issues and cohost of the In the News podcast