On the radar

The pick of the science news

The pick of the science news

Healthy new figures for a woman's heart

A new study published online in Circulationsuggests the peak heart rate for a healthy woman during exercise is 206 minus 88 per cent of her age rather than the traditional formula of 220 minus age.

Calculating a percentage of that peak rate indicates the appropriate maximum heart rate during a workout.


“Now we know for the first time what is normal for women, and it’s a lower peak heart rate than for men,” commments researcher Martha Gulati on Northwestern University’s website.

“Women are not small men. There is a physiologic response in women that is different from men.”

Get down to the biorhythm of music

A new exhibition previewing tonight and opening tomorrow at the Science Gallery at Trinity College Dublin is bound to hum its way through the summer.

Biorhythm: music and the body will involve a number of interactive experiments, performances and even sonic furniture to look at how music affects our emotions, how rhythms affect us and how we create and perceive sounds.

For more on specific events and exhibits and to check opening times see sciencegallery.com


The approximate number of collisions that have been generated per second in the Large Hadron Collider near Geneva as particles race around a 27-km tunnel that runs underground, according to a BBC report.

Claire O'Connell

Claire O'Connell

Claire O'Connell is a contributor to The Irish Times who writes about health, science and innovation