Monday’s supermoon will be biggest and brightest for 69 years

Skywatchers will then be treated to an additional ‘low-hanging moon’ effect

The largest, brightest full moon in nearly seven decades appears on November 14th in Sydney, one of the first cities to witness the spectacle. The 'supermoon' will become visible in Ireland shortly before 5pm. Video: Reuters

A rare “supermoon” will make the full lunar disc appear 14 per cent bigger and up to 30 per cent brighter than usual as it rises above the rooftops on Monday.

The event, described as "undeniably beautiful" by American space agency Nasa, is the result of the moon coming closer to Earth than it has done for 69 years.

Nothing will match it until the moon makes a similar approach on November 25th 2034.

At 11.23am Irish time on Monday the gap between the Earth and the moon will close to its shortest point, known as “perigee” — a distance of 356,510 km.


Skywatchers in the Ireland will have to wait a little longer before the full moon emerges in all its glory shortly before 5pm.

On top of the moon’s bigger than usual size, they will then be treated to an additional “low-hanging moon” effect.

This is an optical illusion caused by the moon being close to the horizon, where it can be measured against familiar objects such as trees and houses.

Robin Scagell, vice-president of the Society for Popular Astronomy, said: "It will be above rooftops and trees and chimneys and always appears bigger that way because you're comparing it to foreground objects.

“I’m always pleased for people to get their binoculars out and look up at the craters and the seas.”

The last time the moon was this close to the Earth was in 1948.

The reason the distance varies is the moon’s slightly elliptical orbit. On average, it is 238,900 miles (384,400 km) from the Earth, but at perigee it is about 5 per cent closer. At its furthest orbital point from the Earth, apogee, it is 5 per cent more distant.

Perigee and apogee distances vary from month to month due to several factors, such as whether the long axis of the lunar orbit is pointed towards the sun.

Mr Scagell said the moon will appear only a fraction smaller on November 15th.

‘Supermoons’ occur when a close approach is accompanied by a full moon.

Monday’s event is the biggest and best in a series of three supermoons. The first was on October 16th and the third is due on December 14th.

Besides looking spectacular, the supermoon will give tides, which are affected by the gravity of the moon and sun, a small boost. High and low tides usually reach their peak during a full or new moon.