Rough ride for carnival launch

Belfast City Council denied the St Patrick's Carnival Committee funding this year because unionist and Alliance members claim…

Belfast City Council denied the St Patrick's Carnival Committee funding this year because unionist and Alliance members claim it would only be representative of the nationalist people of the city.

The committee, however, at the announcement of this year's carnival outside Belfast City Hall yesterday, indicated this year's celebration would be an eclectic, and perhaps even surreal, event.

Children from Irish-language schools heralded the event with Irish music. There was a lively tape of the Tex-Mex musician Flaco Jimenez broadcasting loudly from a car.

The organisers trundled one float to the event, a boat containing a model of a Celtic warrior who was, for some reason, working a spinning wheel. Old Celt, new man?


Characters in Viking helmets brandished weapons and whooped and hollered a little just to stir the atmosphere. They had to scatter when a gust of wind caught the boat and sent it crashing on its side. It was quickly righted, but it took some time for the warrior to resume his spinning.

A fair old mix there, but not sufficient to persuade unionists that the orange and the green should share the day next month, notwithstanding Dr Ian Paisley agreeing in the Assembly on Monday that St Patrick's Day should be a public holiday.

The Assembly did add the rider that the Union flag be flown over all government and public buildings on St Patrick's Day.

That amendment did not impress Caitriona Ruane of the Millennium Carnival Committee.

"It is bizarre that an amendment brought by the Ulster Unionist Party should impose one flag only, the British flag, on the Irish national saint's day. The hypocrisy of this will not be lost on people," said Ms Ruane, chairwoman of the committee.

Meanwhile, the committee continues with its efforts to find the £60,000 necessary for this year's parade. It has raised £10,000 so far through sponsored walks, discos, GAA matches and street collections.

Gerry Moriarty

Gerry Moriarty

Gerry Moriarty is the former Northern editor of The Irish Times